welcome to my blog

thank you for visiting my blog.my name is farid, i am a student,game reviewer and a blogger. below you may find some stuff about games and my everyday life.i'm no interesting person but i try to make things that i do interesting to me and you. more information about my blog is on my page.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Guild - Do You Wanna Date My Avatar

this is for you people who have never heard this song,lol i just heard it just now.so enjoy :)

TNM | Black Ops Top 5 Plays | Episode 5

finally a really good COD vid,well this is BO top 5 plays and enjoy! :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brink A Choir of Guns Trailer [HD]

this might be better than COD,sorry if i offend.

GAMES:bulletstorm demo,weekly releases etc.

what up guys,i'll shut up now and go to the games.

GAMEs:today on GAMEs.bulletstorm demo on 25 jan,dead space 2 next week etc.
hey guys,so next week is the release of the BULLETSTORM demo for the xbox360 and/or maybe the PS3.so the game is great,cause it looks great cause you have to kill with skill.you get to have multiple choices to kill your enemies to get more points.so last week was the release of MASS EFFECT...on the PS3.well they should get it earlier since the 360 got it last year on january.the weekly releases hmmmm i will post a video below on the weekly releases but my only weekly release that i'm really looking forward to is DEAD SPACE2!so did i mention the special edition of DS2 will have a plasma cutter and a few goodies,well i already said everything.crysis 2 multiplayer is freaking awesome,cause i saw the multiplayer trailer and all i got to say.....EPIC!i'll post the video below for you guys to check it.and i got a few montages for you to check,awesome shit guys.well this should be 1 one of the worse blogs i ever wrote....sigh whatever.and i leave you with stuff i just mention'd just now.

bulletstorm stuff:

weekly releases:

dead space 2 limited edition

invaders MUST die!CRYSIS2:

kampy's montage!

ok thats it and have a good day and enjoy :)

Sp0tlightt :: AIR - A Halo 3 Montage - 100% MLG - Presented by SteelSeries

HUTCH posted this just now on facebook.i saw it,i watched it and i liked it.hope you guys will like it too,crazy editing! enjoy :)

Arby 'n' the Chief - House of Cards

OMG! its here! arby 'n' the chief season 5 episode 1,purely EPIC-LY FUNNY! enjoy :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

This Week in New Releases - Jan. 23-29

this week's new releases of january by gamespot,some awesome games including DEAD SPACE 2!enjoy :)

Halo: Reach - Fails of the Weak Volume 18 (Funny Halo Screw Ups and Bloo...

its that time again,yep FAILS OF THE WEAK!by our very own ROOSTER TEETH's JACK and GEOFF!enjoy :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lets Play: Dead Space - Part 41 - End Game.

its the end of NED's DEAD SPACE lets play but fear not there will be another lets play called DEAD SPACE 2 by NED himself!woohoo can't wait...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

halo reach dualtage!,arby n the chief season 5,dead space 2 video preview etc.

DEAD SPACE 2 video preview: what up guys,so today i got a very awesome news for you.everything's gonna be about games,yeah fuck my daily story.so recently i just watched a dead space 2 preview video and all i have to say is.....PURE AWESOME!I'll post the video/link below for you guys to watch/see.

fear 2 screams and scares:so my friend showed me a video about a guy/s playing fear 2 and i have to say the screams and scare were both terrifying and hilarious i'll post 1 of the videos below.

arby n the chief season 5:so a few hours ago i just watched an awesome trailer from an awesome franchise and from an great director.....its arby n the chief season 5,the 4 installment of the arby n the chief franchise brought me lots of humor,the intelligent man behind those figures is the man himself DigitalPh33r also known as john.if you don't know who or what arby n the chief is well sir/madam you have been left out for like 4 seasons but fear not that i shall post the trailer and a link to his channel and blog for you guys.lol i actually followed his blog and its epic~he got loads of views,compared to him i'm nothing....sigh whatever i'll post the video below along with those other stuff.

fear 2 scare fair:
scare fair 2:

dead space 2 video preview:


DigitalPh33r/jon's stuff:

theres a mistake on the date of release,the new season will begin next week on the 22nd of january.

so this is it hope you'll enjoy all of this,well i did.so goodbye and peace,oh don't forget to buy DEAD SPACE 2,support the game and the developers.DS2 will be the best game this january so don't forget to pre-order it.the collectors edition comes with a cool plasma cutter(not actual 1 from the game,just a figure) so pretty awesome,okay i'll shut up now.

Friday, January 14, 2011

:( and more stuff

hey guys,so i'm really pissed off right now cause 1)i didn't play on my favorite server/room on matchmaking.2)i had to play a laggy shitty game.3)bored to shit.but there is only 1 good thing right now,i finally found my favorite server/room but i can't get into it.....seriously like WTF.i was waiting a whole day to see that server and now i can't get in it....i'm really sad right now that i could cry.i don't know why i can't get in, whether it is my crappy internet connection or something else,well i'll try out as many times as i can and play 1 long and good game.so goodbye and peace off.and i leave you with an awesome video,enjoy :D

i haven't really watched it yet,i just took a random machinima video and post it.so i hope you guys enjoy...

Ninja Assassination makes me a Naughty Boy!!

you've been a naughty boy~....haha that sounded a little gay,so this is a halo reach ass. by tejbz!enjoy :D

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mortal Kombat Mileena Character Vignette

she's both boner-ific and terrifying!but mostly boner

Kampy :: Halo 3 Montage 5 :: Awesome!


MONTAGES and stuff etc.

hey guys,so how are you?well i had a suckish day but theres only 1 thing that could make me happy,yep you guessed it game videos and stuff like that....so i finally played some matchmaking and i got some awesome kill streaks but i'll not include it cause i didn't manage to complete the whole game cause i had to go to school.i played it in the morning before school and i was owning and shit sigh but still i have another awesome gameplay its kinda handicap cause i am the only 1 active in the team and the other team had 2 people so the other guy was afk-ing(what ever that is).so i have a playlist i'm making on youtube for you guys to check out,no its not the awesome guys but awesome montages!and if can see i did post a montage previously just now....so i'll put in the link below for you guys to watch or if you want to.so i'll not do FC,NT and GAMEs cause i have nothing to do and i have to watch videos for you guys and i have to post them here,so don't hate me for this.and i'll leave you guys with a DEAD SPACE 2 related video.

so i only have a few videos on the playlist,i promise you i'll post more...so goodbye.

'Team Ability' - Halo Reach Trailer - Sick Editing by TBaaGG

this is one of the best halo reach montage's i have ever seen...due to the massive editing and awesome kill streaks,all i have to do is give my hat to this guy or something like that.so hope you enjoy this cause the guy who made this showed lots of effort to make this.>(-_-) lol this is a salute.....and ENJOY!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pixel Force: Halo Gameplay Q & A (Retro-Inspired Game)

pixel force halo,halo super mario style but without those power ups mushrooms!halo had just gone great to awesome.....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

OMG i'm friends with DEXTERBOY124!!!,meh $350!!! etc

what is up guys.....apologies if i didn't post a blog yesterday or maybe the day before that,i was too tired playing this freaking game on facebook called ninja saga,its a total rip off of naruto but i don't care its still awesome.so i had a very boring day and in my digital life i did some machinima watching and probably nothing else but sleep.....sigh i really need to get a life.

Farid's Corner:today on FC,OMG i'm friends with DEXTERBOY124!!!,meh $350!!! etc
hey guys,so recently i am friends with one of the most funniest people i may know,its DEXTERBOY124.he is the guy who stars in the online machinima series SANITY NOT INCLUDED.and i know its not a big of a deal but he's brittish plus he's awesome,and recently i got a page view from united kingdom and i think thats where dexter lives.gasp maybe it is dexter!well i don't know since they never track their names and shit and i always want to know who viewed my blog so i could give them a digital hug like this <('v')>.....looks like a bird.so other than freaking out about being friends with a celebrities i'm going to tell you about that morning,when i had to take that shitty 3 hour long $350!!!so it was 1230pm in the something and me and me dad left home to go to my school.so lets skip to the part where i sat down in the hall and listening to some music while they showed a video of MR.BEAN.so i sat there for like maybe 1 and a half hours,and there are lots of people there taking their money.....they're gonna use the money for university and studies and shit but i'm gonna spend it on a gaming console,so seems about right.so apparently i can't buy my xbox360 this month SON OF A BITCH! cause me dad needs a $100 to "do something" and me mom needs the remaining to gamble,so yeah FUCKING A' so thats it about my boring life and off to the next segment....sigh no xbox this month :'(

NERD TIME!:today on NT,cool MACHINIMA PEOPLE!DEAD SPACE 2 is coming!!! etc
hey guys,so i have no updates or what so ever but all i can say is that DEAD SPACE 2 is coming and i'm really excited(even though i don't have an xbox),i think it will be the best game in January.so i guess the game will come in on 29 january(in singapore) but if you're in america you get it on 25 january and somewhere in england i guess 28 or 27 i guess?i don't know.....so if you don't know what dead space is about i'll post 1 of my favorite lets play about dead space,so check him out.ok and another thing is i'll post some other cool machinima people or youtubers so you guys could check them out(warning:these guys are related to games and stuff)....and i'll post some extra videos for you guys.....so i guess this is it goodbye and peace....off.


there are more but i'm too much of a lazy ass to post them all,so probably i'll post the rest ext time....

anoj's top ten halo:reach's countdown.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

dead space 2 is coming!!!,bubbles in the classroom WTF?!

hey guys,this is going to be a short blog 'cause i have to go to sleep plus i'm really tired so here it goes.

Farid's Corner:hey guys farid here,so today was really fucked up boring!i fell asleep in class,wasted majority of my allowance on a mac donalds breakfast and did i mention sleeping in class?well what ever,so the reason why i'm freaking out about my allowance is that i wanna save some of my allowance to buy a game every month.so i have to save like $4 of my allowance and my daily allowance in around $5-$6,so i can only get $2 or a dollar allowance for school.and the big problem about me is that i eat a lot and i get hungry easily,so just now during lunch i didn't eat anything so me and me pals went straight back to class.so in class what we did was fool around until one of me pal made an even bigger fool of himself,he took out a bottle of soap bubble and started blowing bubbles in the class(my friend is 15 years old).so i closed all the doors and windows so no one could see the madness,until someone tried to come in and me and my other pal tried to take out all the bubble,so we managed to took out almost every bubble except 1.so what my friend did was,he threw a key and surprisingly it didn't hit.....haha you guys thought that it would hit it but eventually the bubble popped on its own.so the person who tried to come inside the class was a classmate of mine,most of our other classmates call him crazy 'cause of the way he acts.so this is it for this segment and off to the next.

NERD TIME!:hey guys,today is just a short and simple NT,i'm just gonna post what are the games that you are suppose to look out for in 2011,i didn't include any ps3 exclusive games 'cause i don't know anything about the ps3.so here it is"gears of war 3,portal 2,dead space 2,homefront,operation flashpoint red river,crysis 2,ghost recon future soldier,mass effect 3,LA noire,deep black,mortal kombat" so thats it for today goodbye and peace off!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

lets talk about page views,lets play dead space! etc

hey guys,its 10:26 pm right now,i'm tired and bored and i feel like ass tomorrow morning and thats for sure.so today i have a few things to share,1)pageviews2)machinima3)school,so these are the the only topics i'm going to talk about.

Farid's Corner:today on FC,school stuff(BORING!) and my page views.
hey guys,so you guys remember me taking a break from blogging for a month right 'cause i had to stay at indonesia,yeah and at that time i did touch my blog 'cause i was to attached to my blog.so during my vacation at indonesia i expect not that many views i get,i get over 50 views and i was like :0 'cause i didn't expect so many views on that month 'cause i was away.so the views was almost as much as the previous month(november),and as you all wanna know november was the month that made my blog great and it motivates me,so love you guys for those 66 views(you know who you are :P).so i'm going to put a thingy below from the day i started my blog till my latest views.so i gone to school again and it was pretty god damn boring,so the second day of school and you already have to study like what the freaking hell?! but still i don't even bother to bring any books 'cause i'm such a lazy dumbfuck, so i just wanna ask you guys this,what is your new year resolution?mine is to get out of school,buy an xbox360 and pray 5 times a day......thats going to be very fun~.so i guess this is it goodbye and peace off.

log stat thingy:
september2010:o views
october 2010:7 views(by me)
novembe 2010r:66 views
december 2010:53 views
january 2011:4 views(incounting)
message to dear readers and/or passerby's:
dear R and/or P's,i would like to thank you for all of your support for all those views.every single one of those views gives me more motivation to write more.....so love you guys :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

first day of school=CRAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE,catching up on machinima etc.

hey guys,as all of you know it i just got back a few days ago and when i got back i had like 700+ emails,yeah like wtf.so after seeing all those emails(never even read a single 1)i deleted everything,lots of catching up to do this month but luckily i got a single video for you guys(i'll post it below).so i just started school this year and its my 4th and last year in school(fucking yes) and as you all know everyone hates school except for some people(people who want to achieve in life).a few reasons why people like school:
  • friends(you get to see them again)
  • tell everyone about your awesome/crappy holiday(so you have someone to showoff to or bitch to,depends on how your holiday is was)
  • hot ass teachers(come on don't lie,there must be atleast one hot ass teacher in your school while my school has maybe 10 or 15,i don't know i got distracted by their hotness)
so what i did on my first day of school,well firstly is was lame as fuck!my freshman year was better.so not that many changes in the school except that we got a tele on the canteen/cafeteria,well the tele is just gonna get destroyed 'cause hey its my school and all of the students are destructive. so i guess thats it crappy day in school and goodnight and peace off.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


hey guys,well its the january and you know what that means?me starting back my daily blogs.so i just got back that morning(2 january),the reason i got back this morning is not the long flight but a delay in the airport yesterday.so i was suppose to be back yesterday night but suddenly the airplane had some malfunctions in it(i think its the engine).so originally it was delayed to an hour but suddenly my aunt said"farid,tak jadi pulang!kena delay!(farid,you don't have to go back!it got delayed)!"so i was like :).my mom told me that we can sleep in a hotel but i refused 'cause i wanna spend the last night with my family at home and not stay in a hotel for 2.so thats it and the other thing is that when i get back home today i was really sad(lol random),but seriously i belong to indonesia and i love that country even though it has its ups and downs.i get really attached to the country easily even though its for a short period of time.so today i also tried to upload the stuff(pictures,videos) from indonesia but before that i looked for the files in my thumbdrive/flaskdisc and theres nothing related to indonesia stuff.so sorry guys but theres only a few stuff i can post 'cause thats the only thing i have,sorry.but i'm gonna post my older pictures on my previous trip there,so sorry and hope you guys enjoy.

(this year's holiday trip to indonesia[below])

i accidentally took a picture of my dick,don't be offended.

TST(teh susu telor)(milk tea with egg) delicious :P

fallin' in love.......with a hello kitty.

my cousin and my brother sleeping on the same bed.......

satay padang!

my cousin eating satay padang!

my cousin eating satay padang part 2!