welcome to my blog

thank you for visiting my blog.my name is farid, i am a student,game reviewer and a blogger. below you may find some stuff about games and my everyday life.i'm no interesting person but i try to make things that i do interesting to me and you. more information about my blog is on my page.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

video update!

hey guys, part 3 and 4(promo video) won't be uploaded today cause i wanna have a rest. why? because i recorded it after i finished school and i'm tired as shit. so please understand, i'll be uploading it tomorrow after i come home from school.

uploading part 2,3 and 4!+promo video

hey guys uploading new video of my retarded halo:reach playthrough and yes i did another part 1 so it doesn't look weird. link will be below.
click HERE for my channel!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

school reopens, i feel poopy.

hey guys, so tomorrow i'm starting school again, sigh. wish i had a wifi connection at home so i could join xboxlive. i'll try to get a job by the end of this year, why the end of this year? cause i have a graduation exam that i have to concentrate on, so i won't be able to now. if i fail my exam,my parents are gonna sell the xbox and then kill me :C. i'll probably be working on retail on a gamestore surrounded by games and have a female hot-sexy-co-worker*orgasm*.anyways wish me luck for my exams and for the job, this is for you guys cause if i get a job i'll be able to buy a wifi and get an xboxlive gold membership. i'll be able to play matchmaking with you guys, and i'm gonna suck.so wish me k?

Saturday, June 25, 2011


hey guys, if you have xboxLIVE, halo:reach and lots of guts go online during 7th july to challenge bungie employees. yes you heard it, bungie employees. i don't have anymore details on the contest but i will post a link to their post on bungie.net. just wanna say, new picture check it.

Lunars weekly dose::Episode 3- Whipping his choke back and forth!

some mlg gameplay from lunar, watch out for the faces ;)


hey guys just a small update, i've just reached the rank BRIGADIER! woo! thanks to my awesome friends who played customs with me during those boring days i have become a brigadier. not trying to brag but of all the 3 of us i'm the better marksman :p so credits to my 2 friends "noble 3" and "noble 6" i've become a brigadier.remember to check my new avatar at my previous post.

my new avatar on FACEBOOK!

hey guys so i said i would take a pic of my new avatar on halo:reach, right? so i just uploaded it to my facebook profile in my halo shenanigans album. oh my other laptop is now being checked up by my computer expert cousin, so i'll also post the vids soon enough.so i'll put a link of my album below, check it out if you want to.
click HERE for shenanigans.

Monday, June 20, 2011

no part 2,3 and 4

hey guys there won't be part 2,3 and 4 of my halo:reach playthrough. why? well my other computer is broken for awhile and i can't upload it in this laptop cause the only copy is in the other computer.so hope you understand and just wanna say that i haven't touch crysis 2 not even once cause i wanna do a LP with you guys. hopefully i will get a better camera by then or maybe a hard drive.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

no video yet, fps game on facebook(FTW) etc

hey guys, so i'll not be posting the videos yet(i'm so lazy).so what i've been doing during my free time was playing this online game on facebook, what's great is that its a shooter game. the game seems to be kinda lag, the characters/avatars shares the same resemblance to crysis and halo. the weapons looks kinda cool and so does the armor, the name of the game is "N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance: ELITE".

so i have just found my lost controller, woo! so i'll make that crysis 2 LP and continue my REACH playthrough.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


hey guys, season 9 of red vs blue is here!gonna post a link to their website and watch it there.
click (here) for awesome-ness

Wii U & Bungie Aerospace Details - IGN Daily Fix, 6.14.11

bungie aerospace? hmmm gotta know more!

Monday, June 13, 2011

part 2,3.4!

hey guys, finished recording part 2,3 and 4 of my retarded halo:reach playthrough! so crysis2 is gonna be later cause, i lost my controller somehow? so i'm trying to look for it.wait up guys, i'll be uploading part 2,3 and 4 tomorrow...maybe.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


check it out guys, awesome animation! be sure to check their channel and sub!


hey guys, new video just posted. this is for those of you that wanted the comic and didn't get it, well this is your payment. its only 9mins+ so second part will be up maybe tomorrow. i'm both nervous and excited about how you guys will react to my voice and stuff.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Booth Babes of E3 2011! (The most shameful video ever.)

who doesn't love booth babes?! tell me!
if you're a girl, it does not matter if you not as hot and sexy as some of the girls in the video.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Season 6 Trailer

arby n the chief are back with a new season! june 18th is their new episode for season 6! be sure to check it out.
also this is jons blog(creator of antc), follow his blog and get updates from his page about the episodes: http://joncjg.blogspot.com/


i just got crysis2 guys! well i borrowed it from a friend,so i'll maybe putting on a let's play with this game! woo! so i'll be doing a playthrough with halo:reach and an LP with crysis2. i'm gonna suck at crysis2 cause i've never played any games like crysis or cod, i've always played halo.so we'll see if i suck so much at the game.i'm going to record the halo reach playthrough by this week, sorry guys i'll have to cut it down to parts. every video is gonna take 10mins or else the video will upload slowly.hope you guys understand.

Halo 4 5P01L3RZ?

few halo 4 spoilers from "obviously jesus".
don't watch if you don't want to be spoiled!

The Online Gamer: Season 2 - Ep. 5 (E3 Special)

the guys from respawn had a quick private match with the online gamer, check it out.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

another delay

hey guys another lame news, i gotta delay it again. it'll be posted at the end of this week, cause i need to record a new one cause this current version is too long and the audio isn't that good. still, by this week, and hope you really can wait.thinking of using 2 phones, 1 for the voicing and the other for the video. so wait guys, sorry, really. sigh.

delay on video, FUCK....

hey guys, sorry to say this but the video is going to be delayed. reasons, well my internet just died on me when it was uploading and when i tried to watch the video, it had no audio! no this is not an excuse, i will be sure that i'll be posting it, but it will later. i'll upload it on my other laptop, so just wait guys, k? so just wait and you'll be paid with me talking with my phone.

uploading video NOW!

hey guys, i'm now uploading the halo:reach playthrough on my channel(part 1, 40min+). so link will be below.check it out, thanks.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Halo 4 - E3 2011: Debut Trailer | OFFICIAL | HD

HOLY FUCK!!! halo 4 guys, halo is making a comeback guys so fuck yeah!!!

Halo : Combat Evolved Anniversary - Official E3 2011 Trailer [HD]

HOLY FUCK! been waiting for this! a boss of a game coming back with REACH graphics! but i gotta say that the old MC looks better than the 1 in the trailer here. anyway enjoy :)


what's up guys? just did some slayer in halo pc, 2 games. so carnage report, kill 29, assists 5, death 6(last game). i could have done better :<. the first game was better but in terms of death i died a lot.

so i'm gonna start recording tomorrow maybe? some reach playthrough on heroic, be sure to catch it.well thats all and good bye,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

complete halo3 wee!

hey guys, good news, i've finally completed HALO 3! woo! after that i played some custom games with my friend(on reach,offline mode), some 1v1 action on pinnacle. did some 2 round slayer games. so kill/death is 50-16, you do the math. got some nice(lucky) no scopes and quick-scopes while playing.

so i'll be recording the video(halo:reach playthrough!) by next week and at the same time upload it to youtube on my channel. so i'll post a link for you guys to see, i haven't uploaded any videos yet so the video i'll be uploading will be my first video woo! hope to get some views and stuff.i gotta warn you guys, the video and audio will be crap cause i'll be recording it with my cell.

thanks and goodnight/good-day,

Friday, June 3, 2011

Prey 2 - E3 2011: Exclusive Bounty Cinematic Trailer | OFFICIAL | HD

anyone remember prey? well this isn't the same as the previous game, so i guess anyone who haven't played the first game can enjoy it without any confusion related to the previous game?......ok lets restart this.... nice video, hope the game looks like this when its released.(note this is a live trailer with CGI effects)

I HAZ XBOX!, REACH ranks? etc

so i promised some comics and some other stuff that i promised(had to cancel it). so sorry though, but i will put a halo:reach/3 playthrough maybe(if i'm not a lazy ass or youtube renders it properly). if you guys realize, i just changed my DP. the picture was taken long time ago, now my avatar doesn't look like that anymore. maybe i'll take a picture of it and show it to you guys.

so if you don't already know, i have the xbox360, awesome console and i had halo:reach for my first game. took me like 3-4 days to finish it in heroic difficulty.note i haven't played any halo for a long time, the last i've played was 2 years ago on the console. also my friend borrowed me halo 3, awesome game. its been a long time since i played halo 3, i'm now stuck at the chapter where i must retrieve cortana from the flood. doing it on heroic, i should have just played it at normal. my favorite chapter was floodgate in halo 3. dual-wielding was awesome during halo 2-3 but they took it out in reach and odst. my favorite dual-wield combo is the smg with the plasma rifle.what's your favorite dual wield combo?

so it was some hard shit, then this month i just bought MORTAL KOMBAT! yeah that game rules if you haven't played it. my favorite character is the fans favorite too, SCORPION! the storymode took me like 5 days to finish in medium, i got stuck on raidens chapter where you have to fight 3 guys one at a time and whats worst is that your health doesn't regenerates every battle. so who's your favorite character in the MK series? oh if you don't know, there will be a dlc, a new character. she's called "skarlet"? i don't know but she got some pretty good moves though.

so just wanna say this but does halo:reach ranks matter? hmm i don't know but it only depends on how good you play at it. the highest rank is "inheritor", i'm still in colonel going to be grade 1 soon weee! so what rank are you in reach?

so thats it goodbye guys.
