welcome to my blog

thank you for visiting my blog.my name is farid, i am a student,game reviewer and a blogger. below you may find some stuff about games and my everyday life.i'm no interesting person but i try to make things that i do interesting to me and you. more information about my blog is on my page.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

my thoughts on CS:GO.

hey guys,
i'm here to share some of my thoughts on the new CS:GO(Counter Strike:Global Offensive).so here are my thoughts.

so the first part that you realize is that they had some graphical upgrades,yes that is true,all games that are evolving needs graphical upgrades.the design and style on some of the maps looks so much different!i didn't even recognize dust when they showed some of the gameplay.its amazing!the character design is much more robust,more human like and less boxy than the old CS games.

so the gameplay,does not look that different,its still the old school strategic FPS game that almost all pc gamers love(and me).the weapon design is amazing!the way the gun reloads and cock(no pun intended) is amazing.just how a real gun works.the only problem i'm having right now is the crosshair,it looks weird.maybe they want to change the gameplay a bit,i don't know. but somehow it doesn't feel like the classic CS 1.6,thats because its not! a successful game needs to change some stuff,in my opinion.just like halo,bungie changed the gameplay by putting in armor abilities and such.a game won't go anywhere if they aren't changing anything in it(just like COD).i know i'm hitting on COD but these things are true,hate me all you want but its kinda true.

i personally think this game will be as successful as any of the previous CS games,despite what some people say.so i hope you somehow agree and enjoyed this blog entry.


Xbox - Halo CEA Gameplay - 10 Years of Halo ( Halo Fest 2011 )

some news about halo fest at pax! for those who never attend for the event. also sub to halo4follower for frequent halo updates!

(NEW) Halo Fest Panel - 30 Minute Session (Halo Fest 2011)

halo fest panel,part 1,sub to halo4follower for more halo and Sp0ilerZ!

BTS: Anniversary Multiplayer

i'm loving these new maps! this is probably why i'm buying this game,for the campaign and awesome multiplayer!

David Ellis talks Glitches, Easter Eggs, GRD in Halo: Anniversary

green is trying to get some spoilers out from 343's content producer David Ellis!
hope you enjoy!

Halo Fest VIP Party Opening Speeches

i am so JELLY right now!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dark Souls - Bartholomew Trailer (PS3, Xbox 360)

to be honest i'm really not a big fan of RPG game but this game looks great! how do i know?well, you know a game is badass when there is a giant wolf with a sword on its mouth

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Resistance 3 Dev Diary #1 'Tools' (HD 720p)

freaking awesome! if i'm getting a ps3,this is probably the main reason....man also god of war.
i like how the game is like gears of war.because its human vs chimera while in gears,its human vs locust.
my only complaint about gears is that,the characters,look like they take a daily dose of steroids.
i'll choose this over gears man,chimera's sounds much more badass!

Dead Space 2,Dead Rising 2 or Halo 3:ODST?

hey guys,
so before i do anything stupid before my birthday,like buying a game that i'll only play for a few weeks and then sell it away for less than half of the original price, so i'd rather talk about it here. so as you don't already know,my birthday is coming up and i'll probably get some sort of cash for my present. at that point of time,i was thinking of buying a game. so these are the games.

  • Dead Space 2
  • Dead Rising 2
  • Halo 3:ODST
so first off, lets talk about everyone of these games.

Dead Space 2:so DS2 offers an amazing storyline,sci-fi horror and also gameplay.the thing i like about DS2 is that its mostly fun and enjoyable and also its a 3rd person shooter.the story is a few months/weeks later when isaac clarke escaped the ship called ishimura,after that he was then captured and brought back to a mental hospital where mentally disabled people are. so the story is the same,destroy the "marker" and shit,kinda same as halo,you gotta destroy all the halo rings except that you don't destroy all of them. but still its kinda fun,playing the same thing again as long as there are some changes to way you play the game,speaking of which,you are now able you use a T(thrust-er)-pack in zero-g areas.the good and the bad thing about this is that you have to do puzzles in the middle of the game but these puzzles benefits you as it would unlock new pathways and shit.the sci-fi story is great,the creepy part of the game is when isaac had to pierce his eye to locate the whereabouts of the "marker",while trying to pierce his own eye you must also help,as in you are the needle and you have to hit the exact spot or else....well lets just say isaac's fucked ok? the multiplayer, well there isn't much than playing one sided CTF. meaning the other team has to collect the objectives the opposing team has to do everything to stop them from winning. the only problem that i have right now is that if i bought it on the xbox360 i could only play the singleplayer story mode which has no Coop play :( so that is one of the downfalls of the game. the only way i could play the multiplayer is that i bought it for pc which in my opinion is much more cheaper and more worth it. because i could atleast play it on steam and which has online capability. so thats it for DS2.

Dead Rising 2:there is nothing much to say about this amazing game,because this game has almost everything.online play,weapon customization's,character customization and best of all, ZOMBIES!!! who does not like to kill zombies or atleast shoot them in the head? its very addicting,especially when you're an FPS kind of guy. i've played this once and it was awesome,although the controls were a little clunky on the pc,i cannot say anything yet when i haven't played it on the 360.the main thing i'm afraid of is,will i be able to stick to this game for a whole month.i don't know?

Halo 3:ODST : so mainly H3:ODST is set in the events of halo 2,instead of playing as the savior of all man kind,you play as a background character,the ODST themselves.i don't know much about this game but i'll try squeezing out every ounces of my halo knowledge into convincing both me and you why i should get this game. so the campaign is a few hours long,by few hours i really mean it.the campaign is 4-6 hours long,depending on what difficulty you play in.the graphics are the same as in halo 3 but the new features are night vision and that thing where you can view every part of the city,which to me looks pretty amazing.the new weapons in the game are the silent sub-machine gun and the pistol from halo 2. firefight was first introduced in this game and then it went to REACH, although i have not played the firefight in H3:ODST a lot of people commented that it has better firefight gameplay than of REACH but on the other hand a lot of people hate REACH because it doesn't feel like halo 3 which i think is fucking stupid.but the thing keeping me away from buying this is the cost of the game,even though its already been 2 years the price is still the same,its still $70 here! like what the shit!

so it'll be a tough decision altogether.3 awesome games.if i have enough money i could buy all of them but i wanna save some of the money for future use,such as buying Halo Anniversary.....hmmm maybe i should just pre-order Halo Anniversary lol


random picture!
Super Chief!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Halo Fest: Official Trailer

aww yeah a few more days till halofest! too bad i'm not going.
hope you enjoy this wonderful trailer :)

A Fistful of Arrows(a halo:reach comic)

hey guys,
so i'm here to just post a few things,a map that i'm making and a halo:reach comic.so these things will be down below,links to the comic will be below and so will the picture of my new map.

new map,don't know what to call it but i'll name it 401(2). if you don't already know,this resembles the map from the forgeworld vidoc video,bungie made.instead of making it exactly how bungie did it,i changed it a little.

link to the halo:reach comic.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

new Blog design and new upcoming stuff!

hey guys,
i guess you guys already know what it is since i already spoiled it for you but whatever,i'll say it anyways. so i just changed the design of the blog,why? well for a few reasons, one is that i wanna do something this year that is going to change this blog and two my birthday is coming up this august(30).page has also changed and i've also removed some items which i think was useless now that i didn't realize it before.

so with the new look i was also expecting a few changes for myself.as you guys realize,i've been posting a lot of halo related videos,hell maybe all of them are. so i wanna go back to that stage where i got this blog and why i made it.gaming reviews and something new,movie reviews and this time,i'll be making a video about it. and now that i already got a real console i can atleast showcase some of my own gameplays but there are still some perks that i'm missing for that job and these perks are capture card and a hard disk/drive. i can't get any of these things without starving myself for a whole month or getting a job. if i were to get any of these perks i may be able to show you guys some videos with me playing video games(better quality than the current ones i've made). this blog will also go back to its original state,meaning back to the old school me giving out gaming reviews on some upcoming games and stuff like that. but i still need some time to get over stuff and sort it out a little. don't know when it's gonna happen but guess it's gonna be pretty damn long. trying to get out of the fanboy zone and go back to the normal gamer,if you know what i'm saying.

probably at the end of this year or early start of next year,i'll be making a machinima.yeah nothing special and its not gonna last long because next year i'm going to college to further my studies.i'm taking up a course called Digital Animation,its where i draw shit and animate them.to be honest i don't want to study anymore but since i'm living with my parents i can't. ground rule of the house is,you can't live on your own if you ain't got a college certificate. i swear,this time i'll promise you guys a machinima. a solid,humorous and a mediocre storyline machinima.reason why i said mediocre is because i am new to this script writing stuff, so don't get your hopes up about my machinima being as good as Jon's machinima.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Halo CE Anniversary Damnation Video Flythrough

the remake of the old map damnation,to be honest i think i'm gonna love this map.has got some zealot touches in it like the structures. but i did not get to play the original version of this map :(

hope you enjoy this flythrough from i think is one of the guys from 343 ind.
enjoy :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Kampy 25-0 Perfection Gameplay

a perfection?! what? i didn't know they exist(lol jk)! well it does when kampy is getting it.
hope you enjoy this wonderful yet heart stopping gameplay :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

10 Years of Halo in 10 Minutes

this is a goodbye tribute to bungie for those awesome moments i had in halo for the past few years. gonna miss them so much. may they succeed in their future projects such as Bungie Aerospace. bungie,you will always have a special place in my heart,as the people who had me walk the path of gaming.

sub to funnyhalo3productions for awesome halo related videos ;)
enjoy :)

SingleHaloClips :: July 2011 Communitytage - Edited by Witness

awesome communitytage(halo3/reach)! just gotta say,that the sound of the sniper rifle may annoy you as its louder than the song itself. its just my opinion but i guess you have yours too.so please enjoy :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

oh fuck!!! who put that pipe there?!

hey guys,
so few days back my friend came to my house to play some halo! yeah i love halo(no sarcasm)! so we played halo 3 co-op campaign and i was the first player and my friend became the arbiter.my friend called the arbiter "horse", for a few reason, he walks as if he's galloping and he has that mane at his neck. yeah so apparently almost throughout the mission my friend tried to kill me! but he did killed me a few times and that also lead to us losing to the entire game. so after that we played halo:reach, to be honest i love reach! it has got to be the best halo game! so we played some 1v1 slayer throughout the whole day and there were some parts where i got a nice no-scope to end the game and also "oh fuck!" moment(mostly for my friend). so the "oh fuck" moment that i remember clearly was when we were playing on countdown,i love countdown but to bad it doesn't have the snipers when i play slayer. so it was the start of the game and i immediately go for the DMR, so while i took the DMR i saw my elite friend(in my opinion its not fair when you play as a spartan and the enemy is an elite,i know they are suppose to be stronger and shit but still its fucked up!) trying to go for the needler(the needler is one of the most overpowered guns in the game,next is the plasma pistol.the plasma pistol only takes 3 shots to take out the enemy's shiled!WTF?!), so i gave some warning shots for him not to take the goddamn gun! but he still went for it! so after that i went straight for him, he ran inside the room and for some reason he used the jetpack inside the room. so while he was doing that he said "oh fuck, run away!" and at that same time i ran straight at him and assassinated him.i hope you guys could imagine it,it was funny as shit! after that happened my friend said "who put that pipe there?!" i responded "i don't know but i think it was a ceiling man,they always fuck you up,really hard." there were a lot more fails but i can't remember them, this was probably the funniest one.
oh one more thing, goodbye bungie! i hope you succeed in your next game(which is not halo).we'll miss you, i'll miss you :')

Monday, August 8, 2011

ooh a car *BOOM!* WTF!!!

hey guys,
so last few weeks ago i went to a lan and wanted to play L4D2. i was so stoked cause i haven't played that game in a long time. it was $3 for 1 hour, kinda expensive for my taste but its for L4D, so who cares. so when i get there, i managed to get a comp for me and my friend. so i was like "hey this isn't so bad." until i realize that the computer i was using wasn't able to play L4D and i was like "WTF!! VETO THIS SHIT!!". so the game that was available to me was, COD! to be honest i don't like COD,why?this is why. so me and my friends played multiplayer online, me and my friend got own'd by the other team! so when i died,the stupid killcam(killcam=gay) showed me who killed me and i saw a god damn camper,oh and you thought it was only once huh? nope! all of the killcams were me being killed by campers! i play all out,even with the sniper(which sucks ass)!so there was this one particular game where i just spawned and my friend was a spectator. so i just spawn after i got killed by a camper,so after i spawn i turn to the left and i saw this toy car(rcxSHIT).my immediate reaction was "ooh a toy car!"(the car was driving towards me,i thought it was friendly) and then the thing just fucking explode into my face!i wasn't mad at that because i already gave up trying to play the stupid game and so me and my friend laughed so hard and i ended it with a "FUCK YOU COD!".i've never played COD ever since,to be honest i love COD but its the campers! they're killing me!
oh one more thing, the lan sucks big hairy nutsack,over priced piece of shit!

AfterTheFire :: Mid Lift 360 Stick to Another Stick

an amazing 360 stick! you gotta love things with the 360 in it!