welcome to my blog

thank you for visiting my blog.my name is farid, i am a student,game reviewer and a blogger. below you may find some stuff about games and my everyday life.i'm no interesting person but i try to make things that i do interesting to me and you. more information about my blog is on my page.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Game of The Year Awards by ZZombie13

i gotta show you guys the Best Game of The Year Awards by ZZombie13. He's the creator of Another Halo Comic Strip and sometimes cameos on "one one Se7en". I love these comics as they have great comedic effect. but that's not why i'm posting this. I'm posting this to show you guys the weird and funny categories for Zzombie13's GOTY awards.

I'll post a link to his Deviantart account and from there you can look through his stuff.

Zzombie13's Profile:
