welcome to my blog

thank you for visiting my blog.my name is farid, i am a student,game reviewer and a blogger. below you may find some stuff about games and my everyday life.i'm no interesting person but i try to make things that i do interesting to me and you. more information about my blog is on my page.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year End Gaming Party at my House.

it's almost New Year and I'm getting ready for tonight's Gaming Party. Got the Root Beer and Things setup. Now all i got to do is wait for my Dad to go to work and wait till the clock strikes 9pm. There'll only be 2 other people since I Don't have another TV in the living room. Hopefully the Future Year End Party for Next Year will be more packed than this one. I'll Probably get another TV and maybe another Console. We'll be playing some Gears of War 3, Halo: Reach, Fable 3 and all those good stuff.

As you may know I only Have Halo Games right now with me, So the only Other Games I have other than Halo is Gears of War 1 and 2. My friends are going to bring the Gears of War 3. I got to say, GoW3 is Pretty Amazing! Really love the Retro Lancer, Feels like the Assault Rifle in Reach, Because it had bloom(lol). Other than that the Torque Bow and the Shotgun is pretty Amazing too, feels like playing the old Gears again. Fable 3 will be supplied by my other friend, He's sort of a Fable Fan while I'm a Halo fan, so that makes us Microsoft Game Fans.

Well really looking forward to the party tonight, Hope we don't have to sleep the whole night or it'll be boring.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Some Halo Screenshots on Deviantart.

just uploaded some Halo Screenshots onto Deviantart. Not that much but atleast there's something. I'll be posting a link to my Deviantart page below.


I got these shots at my friends house just now and downloaded them just now. posted a few of them, so expect a few more coming in.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Haloday Guys!

First things first, Happy Haloday. Wish you guys all the best for the New Year.
I got a Special Picture for you and it's Halo and Christmas Related.

Here it is!

This Picture is a Year old, Yet it's always usable for the festive seasons in the future. Love Bungie, Love Halo, Love Life.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Forge Fight: A Halo Reach Machinima

this is probably the Coolest machinima i've seen by far.
imagine spartan having monitor powers in forge and best of all, you duke it out with another spartan. Hope you enjoy this.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Power & Mastery Trailer (A Hero's Guide ...

Does this game look good? Yes it does! Man these classes are cool and their fighting style is so unique. I'll be getting this just for awesome story line and gameplay. This is probably going to be the best RPG game i'll play next year. Not forgetting Skyrim and Dark Souls too.

Monday, December 19, 2011

I got my Results!

so i just got my National Exam Results earlier on today. To be honest, it was pretty good but the only problem i'm having here is that my parents have high expectations of me. so here are the results.

English: A
Math: C
Science: A
Elements of Business Skills: B
Computer Application: B
Malay Language: C

so i got 2 of everything. I actually aimed for 3 A's, 2 B's and a C but you can't always get what you want without working hard. well for me, I didn't actually study and all i did was play Halo and Nothing Else. well whatever, since school is over, all i do is play games now until i go to a new school next year.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Halo reach: Tutorial 10 - Golfball artillery

Here's an Awesome Halo Channel guys. It's The White Elite Production. He makes awesome Halo contraptions in Forge. Here's one of them.

Please do him a favor and sub to him.


Halo Reach Epic Forge Tutorials: Missile Launcher/Artillery/Trap Bomb

Thought i'd let you guys check em out if you like them.
Team0Epiphany is a Halo community or clan that makes Halo videos. these videos are mostly about maps and forge tutorials. so sub to them for some Halo content.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Party Rock Anthem Cover

thought I'd show this just because it's awesome.


I came upin this video while i was watching Lindsey Stirling's zelda video. Lindsey appeared on America's got Talent, if i'm not wrong. She's talented and also Beautiful, please check out her videos because she's an awesome violinists.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings

An awesome Halo:reach Gameplay on the level Lone Wolf. watch Mythic Tyrant as he tries to conquer the last mission with all skulls on.

I've been watching his videos for awhile now and i feel pretty guilty about not posting it here. so here it is, Tyrants youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MythicTyrant
Tyrant does Halo walkthroughs and not just just any walkthroughs, he does on Legendary, Mythic and LASO( Legendary All Skulls On). so check him out if you have any problems on the weekly Challenge in Halo: Reach.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Halo WishList

i'll do this fast because i have a busy day ahead. so a few days ago i did a note about what would make Halo awesome in my perspective. so i'll post the link to my Facebook profile for you guys to check it out.



P.s. i know some of the things that i wrote are somehow far fetched? but that's what Halo is about, stretching reality! so hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Halo 2 OST Vol. I - The Last Spartan

I just feel like putting it here since i Love it so much. This is the song that was used in E3 as Halo 2's Trailer. Like i said, Halo 2 was the Game that got me into FPS's and Halo. hope you'll Enjoy this.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Anniversary Glitch.

been a long time since i posted things here. well i just got back from an overseas trip, i know i didn't do any of the count down pictures, sorry if you liked it. anyways i just got back and guess what? i got Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary. awesome eh. so that's not the thing i wanted to talk about. the thing i wanted to say was that i found this weird glitch while playing, and it was on the mission Silent Cartographer. the glitch was a floating weapon and nothing special except that it made this really annoying noise.


yes i put it on my Facebook Profile, had no other choice. and i also recorded it with my crap phone. sorry for that.


Thursday, November 3, 2011


i just want to say that i can't attend the HALO event, because i'm going overseas to visit relatives. and i also won't be getting Halo Anniversary on the actual day. i asked my dad if he could buy it for me. so i'll be back on the 1st of December. and then on i can play Anniversary and ODST, which i'm getting from a friend.

AYellowSnowball + SillyGoose :: Stickaholics - A Halo: Reach Dual Sticktage

sticky yet deadly.
check out this awesome Stick-tage by sillygoose and ayellowsnowball.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(NEW) Halo CEA - 1st Cutscene Pillar of Autumn - Gamespot

Captain Keyes, Johnson, Cortana and not to mention, Chief!
they had a great HD remake and a very damn good one in fact. but i have a little problem with some of the models still, it'll be awesome!

i'll be picking this game up the same day of release and i'll be attending a Halo event in Singapore just for this.
i'll be taking pictures and video for memories.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Xbox Live!

guys, if you wanna add me up on Xbox live, it's FaridS429. i actually wanted to put in 401 instead of 429, but whatever. so add me up and maybe we'll play some Halo or some other games.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

link to my works

so i've done a few chapters already and they're all up on my facebook profile. if you want to check it out, i'll post a link below.

Deliver Hope:

P.S. Chapter 4 will be posted this week, just wait.


i know its been a long time guys, i had no awesome clips to show, but here it is! an inconceivable by the man Kampy himself playing some Crazy King.
Inconceivable = 35 kills without dying.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Title Update #2


It’s me. Well this is gonna be a short update on some of my stuff. Hope you don’t read three lines of this and then waltz off.

Deliver Hope, is gonna be over by early October. Ugh, I’m really flushed out of ideas here man. If I don’t get any ideas, I won’t finish this small series on time. I’m really not planning on making a sequel for this series though. A sequel is kinda boring you know. At first I thought of continuing it, until I saw how retarded my writing is, I decided not to.

I’m currently straining myself for graduating exams right now. Yeah me, straining myself for exams, what a ludicrous thought. No, I actually do care about this kind of stuff, only because my parents keep bugging me about it and all my teachers. I don’t plan to be successful to be honest. I just want to do the things I enjoy and at the same time support both me and my family. Who wants to wake up everyday and go do a job that they really hate. I guess that there are many people out there who are having these problems, doing things that they don’t want but then have too because they can’t earn a living without it. I don’t want to be like those people and so do you.

Future projects, well like I said, we’re still in the building process. Still fighting over about how the story will start and how it’ll end. It’s kind of difficult when there’s only 3 people working on it. I know people are thinking, that a small group of people can agree on things more easily. But no, we are not just people, we are people who want others to read this amazing/incredible story that we made. If you want to know who’s in this group, well it’s me(Farid), Zul and Hariz. I know we are not the kind of people, “destined for AWESOME-NESS!” but we just want to make this story just for the sake of fun and maybe let others think that we’re not just hooligans, you know?

Well thanks for reading this Update up till here, really appreciate it. Hope you look forward to my/our future endeavours.



Friday, September 9, 2011

Title Update #1.


Farid here. Just a little update on my current project/s. so Chapter 2 Part 2 of my series Deliver Hope will be delayed for a few weeks. Why? Because I’m thinking of new ways to write my stories and yes that will also lead me to reading more books. To be honest, I hate reading. Although it helps you improve your strength in English and your knowledge of understanding, I still don’t like doing it, not on a daily basis. The only books that I read, are ones which have drawings or pictures, like a comic or something like that. But I’ll gather up all my strength to read books or news papers.

If you’re asking “ Farid, how long is the series going to be? Is it going to be like harry potter or twilight?”. It’s only going to be 5 chapters, and in some of the chapters there are going to have 2 parts. You know, fuck harry potter and twilight! I hate stories which have slow story line but I like harry potter for its stunning adventure and side quest, you know. Twilight on the other hand, is crap! It’s like you’re reading a very long love letter and the longer you read it, you start to get bored of it. Not bashing on such “GREAT” novels, but I just hate how the story is so slow paced! I know a lot of action is not good but a lot of talking isn’t good either. You’re probably thinking “Farid, you’re such an asshole you know that! Bashing on great shit! Your work does not compare to what they have done! YOU SUCK BIG HAIRY BALLS!”. Hey I did not say anything about my work being as good as theirs, but I did say that I was proud how it turned out to be. Besides those kinds of books are for avid readers, which I am not.

So my future project, still untitled is still in production. We only have a team of 3 people and if you want to join our nameless team or give us suggestion, please do. It’s a story about a man/child venturing into forbidden land to find the killer of his parents and at the same time gather memories of his broken past. After he meets the killer, he then fight him to the death. After the battle, he has a choice whether to spare him or kill him. After doing one of those, he then returned to his village as a hero/villain. It is set in the past, probably the castle age period? I don’t know. But its in a fictional land where monsters and humans live in the same land, not that there are no monsters right now in this era.

Other than a second series, I’m also doing digital ART! Yay! But this will only happen after I buy a scanner or a drawing tablet, for which I’ve been wanting for so long! I’m thinking of doing a web comic, since I have tons of stupid retarded ideas to draw and write about, so why not? And it’ll also make me draw art way easier, no need to sharpen my pencil every now and then, and I’ll also be rid of eraser dust. I’ll probably be getting this after my N levels and when I get a job. And I know a lot of you guys are flushing me with comments saying “ go get a job now you fucking loser!”. Well fuck you, I’m not one to take a job this early, I’m no fucktard. Besides, I’m taking a job just for the sake of buying things that might benefit me or other people. unlike most of you young workers out there working their ass off thinking that they would be a fucking millionaire in just a year or so(people who are taking jobs to support their family or having financial crisis, do not be offended. I’m not talking about you). I bet you’re spending your earnings on stupid stuff such as a freaking whore, so you can get your sorry ass laid. fucking loser or you’ll just show off your god damn money in front of everyone making yourself look like a douche.

Well this is taking too long, sorry. Perhaps next update won’t be so long, you dig? Sorry if I offended any douche bags out there, but you deserved it…..



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Deliver Hope, Chapter 2: Quid Pro Quo, Part 1

Chapter 2: Quid Pro Quo

Part 1

As the two carriers drove away from the battlefield, more and more enemy reinforcements came in. they shot the carriers with their guns, knowing it would not slow them down, not one bit. Then one of the worshipers just stand in the carriers way a few kilometres from where they are. he had a Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher and he was ready to shoot one of the carriers. The carrier is also not a speed and agile vehicle as it is heavily armoured. Even though the carrier is heavily armoured, it is not strong enough to withstand a blast of that calibre. It would kill everyone in the carrier.

Sergeant buck:” son of a gun! This baby won’t be able to handle a blast from that RPG!”

Driver:” I know! Do something about that guy!”

Then suddenly prophet open up the rear cargo door and jumped out of the carrier. Corporal hady, who was with him was in shocked that he did that.

Corporal hady:” dude! What the fuck are you doing?!” he shouted.

Prophet:” taking out the road block.”

Prophet then picked up a gun just right beside him. He then looked through the crosshair and directed it to the enemy’s head. And when he pulled that trigger, the enemy fell drop dead. Both the driver and sergeant were surprised to see what happened to the guy.

Driver:” what the hell happened to that guy?”

Sergeant buck:” how should I know!”

Then corporal hady used his radio to contact the sergeant and he said.

Corporal hady:” sir, its prophet.”

Sergeant buck:” what? What did you say? Prophet?”

Corporal hady:” yes sir! He jumped out of the cargo we were in and took that guy out for us.”

Sergeant buck:” understood”

After that the corporal turned off his radio and sat down, praying that prophet does not die there. Mean while, the sergeant directed his attention to the driver.

Sergeant buck:” GO BACK!”

Driver:” what sir? Go back? Why?”

Sergeant buck:” one of our men is there!”

Driver:” sorry sir, I can’t risk going back and get into that situation again! Hope you’ll understand.”

Sergeant buck:” bu-”

Driver:” we can come back for him later, after we reached the base.” He interrupted.

Sergeant buck:” we’ll come back for you, son….” He whispered to himself.

And then both carriers fled the battle field, leaving prophet behind. prophet knew that he’s not going to survive long if he stayed here, so he then fled to a city nearby. While running to the city, he was shot everywhere, but it did not have any effect as he was wearing an armour. After a few minutes of running and being shot, he reached the city and managed to escape the fire. Prophet then walked inside an office building which was abandoned for a long time. The glass window was all broken and shattered. There were gun shots on the walls as prophet walked in the building, flickering lights and dangling light bulbs in the ceiling made the whole place looked like a horror movie. Tables and chairs were everywhere, flipped, broken and thrown from the looks of it. Prophet then went in a small room and sat down with the doors closed. It was pitch black and you couldn’t see a thing but prophet could. He’s visor enables him to see in any environment in any condition.

Meanwhile, both buck and hady had reached their destination.

After alighting the carriers, both the sergeant and corporal went to the infirmary to get themselves patched up. While in the infirmary, the sergeant looked as if he was worried.

Corporal hady:” sir, you okay?”

Sergeant buck:” yeah, its just prophet. I can’t believe we left him there.”

Corporal hady:” don’t worry sir, I know he’ll be fine.”

Sergeant buck:” what makes you so sure?”

Corporal hady:” come on, look at the guy! He fell out of a sky and lived! There’s no way a few worshipers can kill him.”

Sergeant buck:” hah! I thought you didn’t believe in him….”

Corporal hady:” well at first I didn’t but when I saw him jumped out of the carrier and shot that guy down, i just felt that he is our final hope.”

Sergeant buck:” hmmph enough sad stories, if we want to save him, we gotta talk to the higher ups! You with me?!” the sergeant stood up and walked out to the hallway.

Corporal being so motivated, stood up and followed his sergeant.

Corporal hady:” SIR YES, SIR!” he replied with a stern face.

As they were walking, someone blocked their way. The sergeant being serious asked the soldier to get out of their way, as they were in a hurry.

Corporal hady:” woah! Look, it’s a chick!”

Sergeant buck:” that’s not the point corporal.” He said to hady.

The sergeant then directed his attention to the female soldier.

Sergeant buck:” get out of our way, soldier!”

soldier:” sorry sir but I can’t do that.”

Sergeant buck:” what’s your name soldier?”

Soldier:” private eve, sir”

Sergeant buck:” well private, if you don’t want to be stripped off your rank, I suggest you get out of our way.”

“that won’t be necessary sergeant.” A voice came behind both the sergeant and the corporal.

Sergeant buck:” general jones!” said the sergeant with a surprised face.

General jones:” so where’s that super soldier you were talking about?” the general asked the sergeant.

Corporal hady:” he stayed behind, sir.” Hady interrupted.

General jones:” well aren’t you going to get him back?”

Sergeant buck:” not till we have your permission, sir.”

General jones:” well you have my blessings.”

Both the sergeant and corporal smiled.

General jones:” well? What are you two waiting for? Your men is out there! Go help him!”

Sergeant buck and corporal hady:” SIR YES, SIR!” and then saluting the general.

General jones:” oh, better equip yourself. You wouldn’t want to lose ammunition while you’re in combat.”

Sergeant buck:” understood sir.”

Both the sergeant and corporal went to the armoury to equip themselves with weapons and ammunition. Meanwhile the general and the private are having a conversation.

Private eve:” sir, do you think it was a good idea to send both of them?”

General jones:” they are perfectly trained men, I’m sure they’ll be fine.”

Private eve:” not that sir.”

General jones:” then? What is there to worry?”

Private eve:” that guy, the one they’re going to save. Is he worth our time and men?”

General jones:” well I don’t know for sure. But no man alive has ever survived a fall that high above ground.”

Private eve:” touché.”

in the armoury, both the sergeant and the corporal are fully equip. the sergeant set up a meeting point, in the garage. Meanwhile in the office building, a few worshipers are scouting the building in search for the armoured man, prophet. Prophet just stayed his ground without making any sudden movements.

In the garage, the sergeant and the corporal finally meet up.

Corporal hady:” woah sir! Is that a new helmet?!”

Sergeant buck:” yep! Standard issue.” The sergeant replied while holding his CQB helmet.

Corporal hady:” man, I would kill to get that operator helmet! Instead, I have a mark v [b] helmet.”

Sergeant buck:” you gotta rank up first, son.”

Corporal hady:” yeah, yeah. so, you ready or not?”

Buck then wore his helmet.

Sergeant buck:” always have been.”

While boarding a carrier, a voice reach out from nowhere.

Private eve:” WAIT!!! I’m coming with you!” she shouted while running towards them.

writer's notes/thanks:

hey, it's a me, mario, no just kidding. its me Farid. so i really liked how this part went even though i changed some parts, that was in the spoilers. uhhh i put in some parts from halo, like the helmets. that is all i can copy from the game,why i wanna put in helmets is because i wanna make it look epic for future chapters.that also means i have to change the look of the prophet. so not that much action but i hope you guys like intensive and epic conversations though. i liked how prophet sacrificed himself to let the others go, made him feel much more special. i'm trying to make the characters believable and make them have a real feel in them. try to make the readers connect with them. i changed my style of writing a bit and i think i'm gonna stick to it. looks better and much more easier to understand. i'm gonna start writing the next part next week, maybe after my N level exams, during that week. part 2 is gonna be more action packed because prophet is going to.........and retirieve the....... well thats all i can tell. so hope you enjoyed reading this, i think it is one of my best works so far. much love to those who liked my previous work.



Deliver Hope,Chapter 1:The Great Descend


Earth, a birth place to the most dreadful species called Humans. Humans have been walking on this Sacred Planet for more than a million years. the early humans were clueless, deluded and naive. but then god send upon them a prophet, one who would guide them to the sacred path of religious beliefs.as they learn the ways of the sacred path, some were influenced by a great evil. they were told that the prophet was a liar and must be rid off! and so, they did as they were told, destroying every single prophet god sent from the heavens to guide them.as time passed, god has given up hope on humans and could only rely on those who has already followed him.as evolution came to pass, more and more humans do not believe in the ways of god.as they think it is a ludicrous thought of believing in something that is not there for them. some had also followed the path of the great evil, they have sacrificed human lives for their own personal gains. the great evil had something in mind for the followers of god, for his worshipers shall slaughter all of gods followers. but gods followers are not going to go down without a fight!

it is the year 2035,a war has been wagging for years, as the worshipers try to annihilate the followers. millions are dying and several thousand injured and a few are left homeless with no where else to go.as god saw this incident, seeing innocent lives taken away, he then tried to send one more HOPE, a final chance for mankind. he who would fall from the heavens shall save us all in times of crisis. he is a soldier who would fight for the gods and his followers shall be saved from the great evil. he is our final hope, gods final hope for humanity.

chapter 1:The Great Descend.

gun shots firing in the air like a parade, grenades being tossed around like paper balls in a classroom but this is no fun and games, this is war.in the fields of fire two followers are discussing over a strategy to flank the enemy.

sergeant buck:" how are we doing soldier?"

corporal hady:"i don't know sir! but it looks like they are starting to be running out of grenades!"

*BOOM!! a grenade exploded just near of their location*

corporal hady:"forget what i said!"

sergeant buck:"DAMN, what are they on?! they don't seem to be running out of ammo!!!"

corporal hady:"probably that asshole the great evil sir!"

sergeant buck:" man we could really use more reinforcements here! they're outnumbering us and out powering us too! if only a miracle would happen!"

corporal hady:"reinforcements? heh! i think they don't even know we're still here! miracle? not by a LONG-SHOT sir."

then something came down to earths atmosphere, a drop pod to be precise.it was falling down a thousand feet above ground. both sides were dumbstruck when they saw the drop pod, as it was not man made designed.is it a friend or foe? as it drew closer to the ground soldiers stop their fire to stare at the abnormal looking pod. then it finally reached earths ground floor, sergeant buck and his fellow corporal were close to it. not wanting to get shot, both the sergeant and the corporal stayed their ground. but the enemy didn't, they slowly went near the pod.it was silver coloured with abnormal patterns surrounding it.it almost looked alien but at the same time it did not. the hatch started to open slowly, with immediate action the enemies surrounding it put up their weapons as they know it is not theirs.as it slowly opens, their eyes were wide open the whole time just waiting for something to pop-up and shoot the thing. while on the other side, the sergeant and the corporal are talking.

corporal hady:"you saw that sir?!"

sergeant buck:" sure as HELL did soldier!"

corporal hady:"you think it's reinforcements?"

sergeant buck:"i thought you said, there ain't gonna be reinforcements? sigh i don't know hady,it didn't look man-made you know."

corporal hady:"wait so, if it is an alien, does that mean we have to fight both them and the those asshole worshipers?!fuck !my life just keeps getting better and BETTER!"

sergeant buck:" not if we make him think that we're his allies."

corporal hady:"i see where this is going sergeant, but will it work?"

sergeant buck:" might as well try."

*sound of a cocking gun*

while the enemies were distracted by the pod, sarge and the corporal had already came up with a plan to flank them.

sargeant buck:" you know what to do now corporal?"

corporal hady:" yeah, but lets go through this again. you want me to throw all of our frag grenades at the enemy and you'll go run at it? sounds like a ridiculous plan sir!"

sergeant buck:" NO! it is an amazing plan if you see it from my point of view."

corporal hady:"sir, what good will running straight at a grenade do?!you'll be bits and pieces!"

sergeant buck:" just do corporal and that’s an ORDER!"

corporal hady:"sigh, yes sir."

sergeant buck:" ok, in the count of 3.3,2,1 NOW!!!"

corporal hady immediately threw his grenades at the direction of the enemy and at the same time the sergeant came out of his hole and ran for his dear life. when the grenade exploded, the enemy had no other reaction but to just turn their heads towards the sound. while distracted, the sergeant immediately took out his rifle and shot every single one of them. the enemy was shocked as it was a simple diversion to get them not to look at him. the enemies on the far side of the battlefield were too far and could not risk their ammunition if they were to miss. the sergeant immediately reached the pod and he was surprised to see what was inside! it was a man in a silver coloured armour with strange patterns surrounding it.it had a gold visor and from the looks of it, he can stand at a staggering 6.5 feet tall.it looked as if it was a future soldier. then the sergeant spoke to himself.

sergeant buck:" what in sam hell is that?!"

on the other side, the corporal took a peek to see the situation and to his surprise, its getting worse. more enemies are coming to see who or what had taken down their comrades. thinking to himself, the corporal then cocks his gun and gave himself a slap for courage and confidence.

corporal hady:"damn you old man! why do you have to do this? now i have to save your ass! GOD DAMMIT!"

the corporal being smart, he threw a rock near a mine, doing that the mine exploded. the enemies were distracted and corporal hady had a great opportunity to do what he wants. he then throws a smoke grenade in the middle of the battlefield, at the same time he ran out of his hole and went straight towards the smoke cloud. while he was in the smoke, the enemies try to open fire, but all of their shots were wasted on thin air. while in prone position, the corporal had a grenade on his left hand, it was a flash grenade to be exact.so he cooked up another distraction, he then throws the flash grenade out of the smoke cloud and everything went clear white. then the corporal stood up and walk out slowly with a pistol on his right hand. he shot down every single one of the enemies. he knew that he would not be affected by the flash as he was in the smoke, a plan well executed indeed.

the sergeant was also blinded, while he could not see a thing all he can hear is the screams of his dying enemies. a few minutes later the effects of blindness wore off and all the sergeant saw was corporal hady with a pistol on his right hand and a piece of cloth covering his face with his left hand. then the sergeant said to him.

sergeant buck:" you sneaky bastard! you had grenades with you all this time! well thank you for saving my ass anyway."

corporal hady:"i had to improvise, besides you are not gonna hog all of the attention of finding this guy all to yourself.so what is he anyway?"

sergeant buck:" why don't you see for yourself."

both of them directed their attention to the armoured man. suddenly a radio broadcast was heard.it said:

"is anyone there, i repeat is anyone there? this is general jones on radio, do you read me?"

after hearing that the sergeant immediately pick up his radio and replied.

sergeant buck:" i read you sir."

general jones:" buck? is that you? i thought we lost you for god sakes!"

sergeant buck:" not yet, sir."

general jones:" is anyone still with you, son?"

sergeant buck:" yes sir, corporal hady is here."

general jones:" alright, I’ll send in evac right away. just wait for a few minutes, will ya?"

sergeant buck:" yes sir."

sergeant buck and corporal hady was relieved that they are going to leave the battlefield, for now. then the sergeant and the corporal started talking.

corporal hady:"so, is it dead?"

sergeant buck:" not sure, life support systems seems to be working but i ain't getting any physical movements. not yet that is."

corporal hady:"huh weird."

sergeant buck:" that’s not the exact word that you should use, son."

then suddenly there was a beeping sound, a reading of the heartbeat. both the sergeant and corporal immediately directed their attention to the pod. then the armoured man started to show some signs of movement, he twitched his fingers a bit.

corporal hady:" woah! did you see THAT?!"

sergeant buck:" sure did corporal."

corporal hady:"is there gonna be enough space in the carrier for all of us?"

sergeant buck:" if not, then we'll have to make space."

the armoured man shook his head and looked at his hand. after that he then grabbed the sides of the pod and lift himself up, he could not stand perfectly as it seems that he was in life support for a long time.it looked around its surroundings and saw two men just in front of it. both the sergeant and corporal looked shocked and ready to shoot it. suddenly the armoured man just ran and took sergeants pistol and fired 2 shots. both the sergeant and the corporal immediately put up their guns and pointed it at him. the armoured man turned his head to their direction and pointed at the thing that he shot with his left hand. what the sergeant and corporal saw was a dead worshiper with an RPG.

corporal hady:"DAMN! that was amazing!

armoured man:" thanks."

both the sergeant and the corporal were dumbstruck at that moment. after that both the sergeant and corporal talked to the armoured man after their freak out.

corporal hady:"so you got a name?"

armoured man:" no"

corporal hady:"then we have to call you something."

sergeant buck:" why not prophet?"

corporal hady:"what? you serious?"

armoured man:" prophet huh? sounds nice.

sergeant buck:" then its settled, nice to meet you prophet."

prophet:" like wise."

corporal hady:"you guys are weird...."

*sound of car tyres rumbling in the distance*

the three of them then saw 2 carriers driving their way.

sergeant buck:" looks like that’s our evac boys."

corporal hady:"finally!"

prophet:"evac? where are we going?"

sergeant buck:" we're going to central base, underground. don't worry I’ll tell them that you're friendly."

*car stops*

driver:" what are you waitin' for ,come on in!"

they all walked over to the carriers and rode on them, the sergeant took the seat beside the driver while both prophet and hady sat behind the cargo area.

driver:" who is that guy?"

sergeant buck:" Hope"

then they drove off to central base.


Writers thanks?:

Hey, its me, farid the writer himself.so I just wanna say, I think the story is starting to put itself together, like the plot and stuff like that. So next chapter will be up next week, i need inspiration and ideas for my work. And if you already notice a bit , the writing suddenly turns sloppy and boring at the end, I’m sorry for that. I somehow got a little confuse, because I was trying to be so good that I ended up failing instead. Maybe next time I shouldn’t try so hard? If I don’t then what’s the point right? If you wanna know who is my inspiration to make this kind of stuff, well his name is Jon Cjg. He’s an awesome guy that makes great machinima’s with great plot and story line. He is responsible for the person I am today. I somehow have something in common with some of his characters in the videos he make. I would really like to thank Jon Cjg for being an awesome writer, screen player, puppeteer, voice actor and all of those other things that he does that makes me feel that he’s so fucking awesome! Excuse my language but seriously, he’s really cool even though he thinks that he’s a loser. Also, I would like to thank my English teachers for teaching me all new crazy words and stuff, so thank you mr hairwan and ms lin for your help and support. And also to my friends who liked my works, love you guys so much, I’m starting to cry, god dammit.



still processing,my new series!

hey guys,
been a long time eh? well this is gonna be quick though, um i'm still processing myself right now. starting to clear from the halo fan zone a bit and getting to watch other videos than halo.the other thing is, i'm starting to get into writing now.

i made a new series just for fun and for future use in videos, but if you wanna do something like a machinima, i don't mind. so i'll post it later on another post so you won't have to read it that long, or i'll just direct you to my Facebook profile and you can just read it there. this story is basically a solo work, i'm the director, writer and producer. but i could use some help a bit,like give me suggestions and ideas because i seem to be running out of them or they are just hiding somewhere.

i'm also doing another project but this one is a group work. same thing, writing a story but i'm just the writer this time. my friend/s are responsible for story telling. but seeing the standard of vocabulary they are in right now, i'll basically be the one to help them with the story but not that much though.so look forward to my work and our work because, we just want to tell the world " hey we are awesome guys! even though we are a bunch of NERDS!".


Saturday, August 27, 2011

my thoughts on CS:GO.

hey guys,
i'm here to share some of my thoughts on the new CS:GO(Counter Strike:Global Offensive).so here are my thoughts.

so the first part that you realize is that they had some graphical upgrades,yes that is true,all games that are evolving needs graphical upgrades.the design and style on some of the maps looks so much different!i didn't even recognize dust when they showed some of the gameplay.its amazing!the character design is much more robust,more human like and less boxy than the old CS games.

so the gameplay,does not look that different,its still the old school strategic FPS game that almost all pc gamers love(and me).the weapon design is amazing!the way the gun reloads and cock(no pun intended) is amazing.just how a real gun works.the only problem i'm having right now is the crosshair,it looks weird.maybe they want to change the gameplay a bit,i don't know. but somehow it doesn't feel like the classic CS 1.6,thats because its not! a successful game needs to change some stuff,in my opinion.just like halo,bungie changed the gameplay by putting in armor abilities and such.a game won't go anywhere if they aren't changing anything in it(just like COD).i know i'm hitting on COD but these things are true,hate me all you want but its kinda true.

i personally think this game will be as successful as any of the previous CS games,despite what some people say.so i hope you somehow agree and enjoyed this blog entry.


Xbox - Halo CEA Gameplay - 10 Years of Halo ( Halo Fest 2011 )

some news about halo fest at pax! for those who never attend for the event. also sub to halo4follower for frequent halo updates!

(NEW) Halo Fest Panel - 30 Minute Session (Halo Fest 2011)

halo fest panel,part 1,sub to halo4follower for more halo and Sp0ilerZ!

BTS: Anniversary Multiplayer

i'm loving these new maps! this is probably why i'm buying this game,for the campaign and awesome multiplayer!

David Ellis talks Glitches, Easter Eggs, GRD in Halo: Anniversary

green is trying to get some spoilers out from 343's content producer David Ellis!
hope you enjoy!

Halo Fest VIP Party Opening Speeches

i am so JELLY right now!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dark Souls - Bartholomew Trailer (PS3, Xbox 360)

to be honest i'm really not a big fan of RPG game but this game looks great! how do i know?well, you know a game is badass when there is a giant wolf with a sword on its mouth

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Resistance 3 Dev Diary #1 'Tools' (HD 720p)

freaking awesome! if i'm getting a ps3,this is probably the main reason....man also god of war.
i like how the game is like gears of war.because its human vs chimera while in gears,its human vs locust.
my only complaint about gears is that,the characters,look like they take a daily dose of steroids.
i'll choose this over gears man,chimera's sounds much more badass!

Dead Space 2,Dead Rising 2 or Halo 3:ODST?

hey guys,
so before i do anything stupid before my birthday,like buying a game that i'll only play for a few weeks and then sell it away for less than half of the original price, so i'd rather talk about it here. so as you don't already know,my birthday is coming up and i'll probably get some sort of cash for my present. at that point of time,i was thinking of buying a game. so these are the games.

  • Dead Space 2
  • Dead Rising 2
  • Halo 3:ODST
so first off, lets talk about everyone of these games.

Dead Space 2:so DS2 offers an amazing storyline,sci-fi horror and also gameplay.the thing i like about DS2 is that its mostly fun and enjoyable and also its a 3rd person shooter.the story is a few months/weeks later when isaac clarke escaped the ship called ishimura,after that he was then captured and brought back to a mental hospital where mentally disabled people are. so the story is the same,destroy the "marker" and shit,kinda same as halo,you gotta destroy all the halo rings except that you don't destroy all of them. but still its kinda fun,playing the same thing again as long as there are some changes to way you play the game,speaking of which,you are now able you use a T(thrust-er)-pack in zero-g areas.the good and the bad thing about this is that you have to do puzzles in the middle of the game but these puzzles benefits you as it would unlock new pathways and shit.the sci-fi story is great,the creepy part of the game is when isaac had to pierce his eye to locate the whereabouts of the "marker",while trying to pierce his own eye you must also help,as in you are the needle and you have to hit the exact spot or else....well lets just say isaac's fucked ok? the multiplayer, well there isn't much than playing one sided CTF. meaning the other team has to collect the objectives the opposing team has to do everything to stop them from winning. the only problem that i have right now is that if i bought it on the xbox360 i could only play the singleplayer story mode which has no Coop play :( so that is one of the downfalls of the game. the only way i could play the multiplayer is that i bought it for pc which in my opinion is much more cheaper and more worth it. because i could atleast play it on steam and which has online capability. so thats it for DS2.

Dead Rising 2:there is nothing much to say about this amazing game,because this game has almost everything.online play,weapon customization's,character customization and best of all, ZOMBIES!!! who does not like to kill zombies or atleast shoot them in the head? its very addicting,especially when you're an FPS kind of guy. i've played this once and it was awesome,although the controls were a little clunky on the pc,i cannot say anything yet when i haven't played it on the 360.the main thing i'm afraid of is,will i be able to stick to this game for a whole month.i don't know?

Halo 3:ODST : so mainly H3:ODST is set in the events of halo 2,instead of playing as the savior of all man kind,you play as a background character,the ODST themselves.i don't know much about this game but i'll try squeezing out every ounces of my halo knowledge into convincing both me and you why i should get this game. so the campaign is a few hours long,by few hours i really mean it.the campaign is 4-6 hours long,depending on what difficulty you play in.the graphics are the same as in halo 3 but the new features are night vision and that thing where you can view every part of the city,which to me looks pretty amazing.the new weapons in the game are the silent sub-machine gun and the pistol from halo 2. firefight was first introduced in this game and then it went to REACH, although i have not played the firefight in H3:ODST a lot of people commented that it has better firefight gameplay than of REACH but on the other hand a lot of people hate REACH because it doesn't feel like halo 3 which i think is fucking stupid.but the thing keeping me away from buying this is the cost of the game,even though its already been 2 years the price is still the same,its still $70 here! like what the shit!

so it'll be a tough decision altogether.3 awesome games.if i have enough money i could buy all of them but i wanna save some of the money for future use,such as buying Halo Anniversary.....hmmm maybe i should just pre-order Halo Anniversary lol


random picture!
Super Chief!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Halo Fest: Official Trailer

aww yeah a few more days till halofest! too bad i'm not going.
hope you enjoy this wonderful trailer :)

A Fistful of Arrows(a halo:reach comic)

hey guys,
so i'm here to just post a few things,a map that i'm making and a halo:reach comic.so these things will be down below,links to the comic will be below and so will the picture of my new map.

new map,don't know what to call it but i'll name it 401(2). if you don't already know,this resembles the map from the forgeworld vidoc video,bungie made.instead of making it exactly how bungie did it,i changed it a little.

link to the halo:reach comic.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

new Blog design and new upcoming stuff!

hey guys,
i guess you guys already know what it is since i already spoiled it for you but whatever,i'll say it anyways. so i just changed the design of the blog,why? well for a few reasons, one is that i wanna do something this year that is going to change this blog and two my birthday is coming up this august(30).page has also changed and i've also removed some items which i think was useless now that i didn't realize it before.

so with the new look i was also expecting a few changes for myself.as you guys realize,i've been posting a lot of halo related videos,hell maybe all of them are. so i wanna go back to that stage where i got this blog and why i made it.gaming reviews and something new,movie reviews and this time,i'll be making a video about it. and now that i already got a real console i can atleast showcase some of my own gameplays but there are still some perks that i'm missing for that job and these perks are capture card and a hard disk/drive. i can't get any of these things without starving myself for a whole month or getting a job. if i were to get any of these perks i may be able to show you guys some videos with me playing video games(better quality than the current ones i've made). this blog will also go back to its original state,meaning back to the old school me giving out gaming reviews on some upcoming games and stuff like that. but i still need some time to get over stuff and sort it out a little. don't know when it's gonna happen but guess it's gonna be pretty damn long. trying to get out of the fanboy zone and go back to the normal gamer,if you know what i'm saying.

probably at the end of this year or early start of next year,i'll be making a machinima.yeah nothing special and its not gonna last long because next year i'm going to college to further my studies.i'm taking up a course called Digital Animation,its where i draw shit and animate them.to be honest i don't want to study anymore but since i'm living with my parents i can't. ground rule of the house is,you can't live on your own if you ain't got a college certificate. i swear,this time i'll promise you guys a machinima. a solid,humorous and a mediocre storyline machinima.reason why i said mediocre is because i am new to this script writing stuff, so don't get your hopes up about my machinima being as good as Jon's machinima.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Halo CE Anniversary Damnation Video Flythrough

the remake of the old map damnation,to be honest i think i'm gonna love this map.has got some zealot touches in it like the structures. but i did not get to play the original version of this map :(

hope you enjoy this flythrough from i think is one of the guys from 343 ind.
enjoy :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Kampy 25-0 Perfection Gameplay

a perfection?! what? i didn't know they exist(lol jk)! well it does when kampy is getting it.
hope you enjoy this wonderful yet heart stopping gameplay :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

10 Years of Halo in 10 Minutes

this is a goodbye tribute to bungie for those awesome moments i had in halo for the past few years. gonna miss them so much. may they succeed in their future projects such as Bungie Aerospace. bungie,you will always have a special place in my heart,as the people who had me walk the path of gaming.

sub to funnyhalo3productions for awesome halo related videos ;)
enjoy :)

SingleHaloClips :: July 2011 Communitytage - Edited by Witness

awesome communitytage(halo3/reach)! just gotta say,that the sound of the sniper rifle may annoy you as its louder than the song itself. its just my opinion but i guess you have yours too.so please enjoy :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

oh fuck!!! who put that pipe there?!

hey guys,
so few days back my friend came to my house to play some halo! yeah i love halo(no sarcasm)! so we played halo 3 co-op campaign and i was the first player and my friend became the arbiter.my friend called the arbiter "horse", for a few reason, he walks as if he's galloping and he has that mane at his neck. yeah so apparently almost throughout the mission my friend tried to kill me! but he did killed me a few times and that also lead to us losing to the entire game. so after that we played halo:reach, to be honest i love reach! it has got to be the best halo game! so we played some 1v1 slayer throughout the whole day and there were some parts where i got a nice no-scope to end the game and also "oh fuck!" moment(mostly for my friend). so the "oh fuck" moment that i remember clearly was when we were playing on countdown,i love countdown but to bad it doesn't have the snipers when i play slayer. so it was the start of the game and i immediately go for the DMR, so while i took the DMR i saw my elite friend(in my opinion its not fair when you play as a spartan and the enemy is an elite,i know they are suppose to be stronger and shit but still its fucked up!) trying to go for the needler(the needler is one of the most overpowered guns in the game,next is the plasma pistol.the plasma pistol only takes 3 shots to take out the enemy's shiled!WTF?!), so i gave some warning shots for him not to take the goddamn gun! but he still went for it! so after that i went straight for him, he ran inside the room and for some reason he used the jetpack inside the room. so while he was doing that he said "oh fuck, run away!" and at that same time i ran straight at him and assassinated him.i hope you guys could imagine it,it was funny as shit! after that happened my friend said "who put that pipe there?!" i responded "i don't know but i think it was a ceiling man,they always fuck you up,really hard." there were a lot more fails but i can't remember them, this was probably the funniest one.
oh one more thing, goodbye bungie! i hope you succeed in your next game(which is not halo).we'll miss you, i'll miss you :')

Monday, August 8, 2011

ooh a car *BOOM!* WTF!!!

hey guys,
so last few weeks ago i went to a lan and wanted to play L4D2. i was so stoked cause i haven't played that game in a long time. it was $3 for 1 hour, kinda expensive for my taste but its for L4D, so who cares. so when i get there, i managed to get a comp for me and my friend. so i was like "hey this isn't so bad." until i realize that the computer i was using wasn't able to play L4D and i was like "WTF!! VETO THIS SHIT!!". so the game that was available to me was, COD! to be honest i don't like COD,why?this is why. so me and my friends played multiplayer online, me and my friend got own'd by the other team! so when i died,the stupid killcam(killcam=gay) showed me who killed me and i saw a god damn camper,oh and you thought it was only once huh? nope! all of the killcams were me being killed by campers! i play all out,even with the sniper(which sucks ass)!so there was this one particular game where i just spawned and my friend was a spectator. so i just spawn after i got killed by a camper,so after i spawn i turn to the left and i saw this toy car(rcxSHIT).my immediate reaction was "ooh a toy car!"(the car was driving towards me,i thought it was friendly) and then the thing just fucking explode into my face!i wasn't mad at that because i already gave up trying to play the stupid game and so me and my friend laughed so hard and i ended it with a "FUCK YOU COD!".i've never played COD ever since,to be honest i love COD but its the campers! they're killing me!
oh one more thing, the lan sucks big hairy nutsack,over priced piece of shit!

AfterTheFire :: Mid Lift 360 Stick to Another Stick

an amazing 360 stick! you gotta love things with the 360 in it!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fiesta!!! Multi-kills galore


worst day....EVAR! etc

hey guys,
so today may be the worst day in my entire life. why? well 2 shit things happened! so here goes.

1) so this morning i went out to buy myself a bottle of milk because i ran out of it yesterday, duh.... so i walked myself there, it was a few kilometers away from my apartment/house. so i got there within 10 minutes, i walked epic-ly on the way to the store and everybody was like "Holy SHIT!!! my EYES!!! I'M BLINDED BY HIS EPIC-ness!!!" lol jk. so i got in the store and i got my milk, took some time to pick which one i wanted 'cause there was so many of them. so i went to pay up in the cashier and i saw that the line/queue was freaking LONG! so i had to go to end, no shit sherlock.so infront of me was a woman and infront of her is an old chinese man. the problem wasn't about the queue/line it was the old man. so while everyone is queuing in line, the old man just walked off from the line for no fucking reason.and the worst part is that he came back and he goes back to the same spot from where he was,to make it simple,he got off the queue/line and came back with nothing else in his hands than the same shit! this happened 3 fucking times! i was so pissed! i felt like shouting at the guy but if i do that people will call me crazy.sigh lets not talk about it, just to make it clear i don't have anything against chinese people, just some of them who don't have manners :)

2)so in the evening i had to cancel my plans for "AWESOME HALO TIME!", AHT is me inviting my friends to come to my house/apartment to play, yes you guessed it, HALO! so it had to be postponed to tomorrow(sunday).why it had to be postponed 'cause i had to take some furniture from my aunts house and bring it here.my aunts getting a new pair of sofa's and she feels like giving it to my mom, or my mom begged her for it? who knows :/ so i went to my aunts house on the evening with my dad.we took the bus and it took about 20minutes to reach my aunts house from mine. so the bus was full of people and there only a few seats available,i was in a different seat than my dad's. so i had to sit beside this fucking bitch! i know i shouldn't be calling people i don't know a bitch but this is a real bitch. when i went into the bus i had my halo tunes on, so when i sat beside her i didn't any of martin o' donnel's awesome music nor michael salvatori's but the only thing i heard was the stupid fucking beats of TECHNO from the bitch beside me. the volume turned on so loud that even my full bass equalizers weren't strong enough. i like techno,but isn't it too much if you listen to it loudly? especially when you're in a bus where majority of the people there are silent. i didn't hear anything else but that stupid techno shit. she should have realized that her music volume is too loud and there people here who wants peace.god! why are people so fucking stupid?! i was considerate enough to lower my music volume, why can't her?! seriously, does turning up the music volume makes you much more attractive or masculine? i'm sure as hell, NOT! i know this is such a trivial matter but it annoys me so much that there so many inconsiderate people! i'm not trying to say that i'm not inconsiderate, i am, sometimes.but when you are,you don't realize that you're being inconsiderate and that it effects your surroundings!

fuck, i sound like i'm giving a stupid lecture. sorry if i talked about stupid shit, won't happen again,well it would but not as long as this though :P


Friday, July 29, 2011

Blast from the Past :: Kampy - Final Halo 2 Montage

a BLAST FROM THE PAST by kampy!! awesome songs,awesome montage and most importantly,AWESOME GAME! halo 2 is the game that got me in gaming.halo 2 kicked so much ass during the days and i got my ass kicked by my friends too in this game :/ you're spoiled if you don't love this game! this is also the exact game that made me fail during my middle school years, but it was worth it :)
so i hope you enjoy it :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

halo:reach local! awesome master chief tribute! etc

hey guys,
if you don't know yet, i've bought my copy of halo 3! yes, i know its an old game but you gotta love the chief and the arbiter plus i also wanted to finish the fight ;)

so today i invited my friends to come to my house to play some halo:reach customs with me(no live).there were 3 of us together. we played a total of 5 games, each different maps. of all the 5 matches we played i won more than half of them.i don't whore on the power weapons except for the sniper and i'm not even good at it.the maps that we played on were,zealot,oni swordbase,reflection,boardwalk and countdown.now that i think of the maps, i remember which match i lost on. the match i lost on was reflection, clearly i suck on that map so much that can't snipe properly in the map.all the other maps i played on was ok, but the match that i really liked was the matcFont sizeh on boardwalk.why? well my friends were leading me by 6 kills,both of them.apparently i won the match, by using the best marksman combo, the DMR and the Sniper! while my friends were trying to kill each other i sneak up to get the sniper and sniped both of them down.i'm sorry for those people who looked up to me because of my long history of being an all out player but i'm kinda new to the xbox360 console and i need to teach myself to learn how to use other weapons.like i said i won the game but my friends score were just 1 to 3 kills away. phew lucky i won that round thanks to the sniper.on the other maps i didn't use anything but the assault rifle.pistol and sometimes i tend to use the DMR.

so i've recently checked out this awesome video on youtube about a tribute to master chief.so if you wanna check it out, link will be below.if you guys get tired of me talking about halo, please say so, i don't know whats going on in your heads.anyways,i'm maybe starting a series about me playing all of the halo campaigns!i'll be starting this after i finished my graduation exams and when i get the 2001 xbox console.i'll probably get the console from a friend of mine,i checked it on a retail store and costs about $100 along with 1 controller. so i hope my friend would sell it to me in a cheaper price :p so after i finished my graduation exams on october i'm planning to get a job in retail, probably a gaming store since i love games so much! me taking a job=getting $$$=new series+new console+new hardware for recording+broadband=XboxLive!so wish me luck for both my exams and job;)


click here for awesome tribute!