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thank you for visiting my blog.my name is farid, i am a student,game reviewer and a blogger. below you may find some stuff about games and my everyday life.i'm no interesting person but i try to make things that i do interesting to me and you. more information about my blog is on my page.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Title Update #1.


Farid here. Just a little update on my current project/s. so Chapter 2 Part 2 of my series Deliver Hope will be delayed for a few weeks. Why? Because I’m thinking of new ways to write my stories and yes that will also lead me to reading more books. To be honest, I hate reading. Although it helps you improve your strength in English and your knowledge of understanding, I still don’t like doing it, not on a daily basis. The only books that I read, are ones which have drawings or pictures, like a comic or something like that. But I’ll gather up all my strength to read books or news papers.

If you’re asking “ Farid, how long is the series going to be? Is it going to be like harry potter or twilight?”. It’s only going to be 5 chapters, and in some of the chapters there are going to have 2 parts. You know, fuck harry potter and twilight! I hate stories which have slow story line but I like harry potter for its stunning adventure and side quest, you know. Twilight on the other hand, is crap! It’s like you’re reading a very long love letter and the longer you read it, you start to get bored of it. Not bashing on such “GREAT” novels, but I just hate how the story is so slow paced! I know a lot of action is not good but a lot of talking isn’t good either. You’re probably thinking “Farid, you’re such an asshole you know that! Bashing on great shit! Your work does not compare to what they have done! YOU SUCK BIG HAIRY BALLS!”. Hey I did not say anything about my work being as good as theirs, but I did say that I was proud how it turned out to be. Besides those kinds of books are for avid readers, which I am not.

So my future project, still untitled is still in production. We only have a team of 3 people and if you want to join our nameless team or give us suggestion, please do. It’s a story about a man/child venturing into forbidden land to find the killer of his parents and at the same time gather memories of his broken past. After he meets the killer, he then fight him to the death. After the battle, he has a choice whether to spare him or kill him. After doing one of those, he then returned to his village as a hero/villain. It is set in the past, probably the castle age period? I don’t know. But its in a fictional land where monsters and humans live in the same land, not that there are no monsters right now in this era.

Other than a second series, I’m also doing digital ART! Yay! But this will only happen after I buy a scanner or a drawing tablet, for which I’ve been wanting for so long! I’m thinking of doing a web comic, since I have tons of stupid retarded ideas to draw and write about, so why not? And it’ll also make me draw art way easier, no need to sharpen my pencil every now and then, and I’ll also be rid of eraser dust. I’ll probably be getting this after my N levels and when I get a job. And I know a lot of you guys are flushing me with comments saying “ go get a job now you fucking loser!”. Well fuck you, I’m not one to take a job this early, I’m no fucktard. Besides, I’m taking a job just for the sake of buying things that might benefit me or other people. unlike most of you young workers out there working their ass off thinking that they would be a fucking millionaire in just a year or so(people who are taking jobs to support their family or having financial crisis, do not be offended. I’m not talking about you). I bet you’re spending your earnings on stupid stuff such as a freaking whore, so you can get your sorry ass laid. fucking loser or you’ll just show off your god damn money in front of everyone making yourself look like a douche.

Well this is taking too long, sorry. Perhaps next update won’t be so long, you dig? Sorry if I offended any douche bags out there, but you deserved it…..



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