hey guys,i'm really happy today 'cause i played some matchmaking but i'll get to that later and something else.so i'm thinking that since i had a segment called "NERD TIME!" where i talk about games,machinima and other stuff,so perhaps i should do a segment called "Farid's corner" in short FC.its going to be the normal thing where i talk about my everyday life,like a vlog but in word form,so i'm going to start it from tomorrow onwards.so the other reason why i was happy today was that i got a view on my blog,its just 1 view but so what,every view to me counts 'cause that shows me that some people come to my blog to explore and stuff.i know i'm over reacting about 1 view but i'm really happy,i'm not like those popular guys who get a lot of views and doesn't care about 1.as you can see i only got about less than 30 views so what,i still gonna post crap and love it.so i guess its going to be NERD TIME! hey i forgot to tell you guys that yesterday when i was going out with me mom i was downloading the game RAPPELZ.so after i got home it finished downloading and then i wanted to play it,so it had to download some updates and stuff but thats where everything back fires,it download failed around 73% and i was like "fuck i was so close!".so being the committed gamer that i am i downloaded some stuff to maximize the chances of me playing the game.apparently i wasted my freaking time downloading graphic drivers and other stuff on that game,after that i uninstalled the game and played halo.so today i wrote something on facebook and it said "i wish someone in the future would create a time machine and go back tothe past to kill hitler and the japanese emperor so that there would be no war in the past." wouldn't it be much better if both of them were dead from the very beginning.sorry to both Japanese people and Germans if you really respected these guys,but seriously less people would be dead.would you rather kill 2 powerful people or kill millions of people.so whatever and lets go to the other subject which is machinima,i watched some BO gameplay from TEJB,you remember him,he's the guy who made the song "TO THA FACE!" awesome song.so i'll put the video below for you guys to watch.so thats it in machinima and lets go to the gameplay corner,so like i said today i played some halo matchmaking online just now,and as it said in the title"awesome triple kill!" i really had an awesome triple kill(to me).so i was playing CTF and i was in the blue team,the game was really different,the colors were all darker than normal and i can't see no god damn scoring so i have to count how many kills i had(never did).so whatever,off to gameplay,so the ATK(AwesomeTripleKill),i was using a rocket launcher when i saw a shade with a gunner on it and 2 more enemies,so i was like this is going to be the best ATK ever,firstly there was only the shade and the gunner and when i pulled the trigger another 2 enemies just spawned there or walked right into the rocket and suddenly a voice from above said "triple kill!" and i was like "wtf i thought there were only 1 enemy".so another awesome kill was involving me in a suicide,so 1 of the enemies was riding a warthog and i was hogging a rocket launcher,you get it warthog and hogging ok whatever,so the guy in the warthog just drove right at me suddenly a grenade exploded infront of it but it didn't kill him.so that warthog was practically flying right at me and i had only a split second to take both the enemy's life and mine,i pulled the trigger the warthog flew away a long with me and the driver so it was an awesome suicide.so it was a win and lose situation thats what i say.so i guess that it for tonight,goodnight and peace off.
credits to tejb for an awesome gameplay.
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