welcome to my blog

thank you for visiting my blog.my name is farid, i am a student,game reviewer and a blogger. below you may find some stuff about games and my everyday life.i'm no interesting person but i try to make things that i do interesting to me and you. more information about my blog is on my page.

Monday, November 15, 2010

lucky no scope,BURN BABY BURN! etc

hey guys,remember what i told you that i will make a segment called "Farid's corner" so i think i should change the "NERD TIME!" to "videogame corner",well lets see if i'm in the mood.so every segment i'm going to make another paragraph 'cause when i see my old posts it looks very untidy,so to make it less untidy i should separate the paragraphs.

Farid's corner:so today in the morning i woke up from bed and i saw a dead cockroach on the floor.it was dead and it was also surrounded by ants,so i let it be 'cause i had to take a shower and all.so after i took a shower i wanted to throw those pest away(sorry cockroaches and ants) but i decided not to 'cause i haven't eaten.so i ate 3 packets of instant noodles,my stomach won't be satisfied if i just ate 1 or 2 so i ate 3.so after that then i threw them away.and just now(at night) ants was infesting my living room and there were a lot of them.so i had no choice but to kill all of them,i didn't kill them with an insect repellent nor did i sweep them away i used what i call a homemade flamethrower.i bet everyone can do this,so i took a flammable deodorant and a lighter.so i ignite the ligher at the same time spray the deodorant infront of the lighter's small fire.it made the fire bigger and it hit a wide range after a few sprays the lighter had no more fuel so i bought another 1,just as i was going out of my house the back of my front door had more ants.so i immediately go down and buy another lighter.after that i BURN BURN BURN EVERY SINGLE ANT THAT WAS THERE,and the burnt corpse i swept them out of my house since its near to the door.after that i ate again and happily ever after,the end of the first segment.

NERD TIME!so i didn't want to change the name 'cause the "videogame corner" sounds kinda lame,that should only be at home in my opinion.so today was really crazy 'cause 1 day left to the release of ASSASSINS CREED BROTHERHOOD.so just now in the morning after i ate and threw away them pest i played with my laptop to look for some cool shit,and apparently i found a video of DEAD SPACE 2-lullaby trailer,i got to tell ya throughout the entire video i was really scared and waiting for something to show up and scream my lungs out but sadly nothing really scary came out but the sick scenes were very hard to get it out.so i'll post the link of the vid for you to enjoy.today again i watched a video from TOBUSCUS,yeah you remember him,he's the funny guy who made the Halo reach videos.so instead of watching him play REACH i watched him play BLACK OPS and i tell you he seems to be playing it okay though since he got killed a lot,but who cares as long as you can complete the game.i'll put the video below for you to enjoy.

GAMEs:so yesterday i didn't get to play RAPPELZ right instead i downloaded a game called HALO ZERO its a 2 dimensional game so your movements will be front and back(jump,squat).even though its 2D i played it like a freaking noob,yes i got killed a lot of times,first time i played it the language was in spanish so i literally didn't understand any shit.after that i go to the settings and changed the language to english,good old english.but still it didn't really improve my gameplay all it did was made me understand what the freaking AI's(artificial intelligence) were talking about.so in the end i still pwn everyone and completed the game,but there was some part of the game where an error happened and it said "we created an error/problem" and i was like "then stop making them retarded errors/problems!damn fuck you microsoft!"(sorry microsoft if i offend) i was really mad and it was getting to the best part in the end i stopped playing it and go with 3D.but i really had to give bungie credit for making HALO ZERO now i understand how MASTER CHIEF escapes from REACH before it was destroyed.so i played matchmaking and i seriously got owned by some snipers expected when you're playing team snipers and i really suck at it,but apparently i got a lucky no scope.so this is how it goes,i just arrived at the game and i didn't know where the enemy was until i saw him,he was shooting at me andit almost killed me(note:theres no shields,so a shot to the forehead is a straight death).so i jumped down of the base while shooting without scoping i had only 4 shots since i was using the sniper,so apparently i got to kill him with 2 shots(first shot missed,second shot bullseye!).the other game was a CTF match too i got seriously owned 'cause everyone was using a vehicle plus to make things worse theres a tank,wtf how am i suppose to win.apparently i got another lucky kill,this time i killed a guy in a tank.he was using the tank spawn killing my team members and i ran up to him without him noticing,so after i went to a good range where i can throw my grenade at him,i immediately threw and i think it landed on the driver seat just above him and it killed him.so after that i wanted to go back to my base but suddenly i was run over by another tank.so i guess thats it for my new style of me blog so goodnight and peace off.remember to watch the vids.


credits to TOBUSCUS for awesome and funny shit.we love you.

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